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How to Build the Models

Old State House ModelOld State House

Cut out the two large walls of the building and glue them together into a rectangular shape.

Cut out the roof. Fold and glue the triangular sides to the tabs.

Fit the roof inside the end walls and glue in place.

Score and cut out the top of the tower. Before folding, press the triangular dome sections against a round dowel or toothpick to create a slight S-curve shape.

Glue the tower into a square box. Put a small wad of tissue with a bit of glue inside the tower (as described in Tips & Techniques). Push the tissue up with a stick while folding the roof down to create an onion-dome shape.

Cut out the railings a little above the railing finials (as described in Tips & Techniques). Score the fold lines. Use a tweezer to bend the paper on the dotted lines.

After folding the score lines, flatten the piece and cut closer to the small finial details.

Assemble the railing into a square shape. Glue to the smaller square balcony.

Glue the bottom edge of the tower in the center of the balcony.

Similarly, cut out the lower railing and glue to the lower balcony.

Assemble the lower tower into a box shape and glue the bottom edge to the center of the balcony.

Assemble the base of the tower into a box shape.

Glue the three parts of the tower together.

Cut out the small balcony. Fold the sides back and floor underneath.

Glue the balcony to the end of the building below the clock.

Glue the tower in place at the center of the roof.

Cut out the little people, if you like, to place around the building.

Read more about the Old State House