Motels of Lincoln Avenue
In the 1950s, Lincoln Avenue was the gateway to Chicago from the north. At the edge of the city, new auto mo-tels with the most modern amenities catered to auto travellers.
Since then the little motels have fallen on hard times and many have been torn down.
Read the story of Lincoln Avenue and take a tour in 3-dimensional photos to see what is left of this classic stretch of roadside Americana.
Seven 3D photos of the classic motels along Lincoln Avenue, playable in any View-Master® viewer.
Includes 8-page booklet illustrated with map and photos.
All photos are genuine 3D images, taken with twinned digital cameras, or with a single camera and slide platform.
$9.00 + shipping. ISBN 978-0-9843438-0-5
Look for Wurlington Press View-Master® reels at:
Paperish Mess - 1955 W. Chicago Ave, Chicago
Quimby's - 1854 W. North Ave, Chicago
Sacred Art - 4619 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago
Wolfbait & B-Girls - 3131 West Logan Blvd, Chicago |
Copyright 2024 Matt Bergstrom