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How to Build the Models

IDS Center modelWells Fargo Center


Cut out the base of the building. Score the dotted lines. Note the reverse folds marked with small triangles: score these folds on the back of the card.

Fold down the sides of the base. The small part of wall between reverse folds should be pressed against a round pencil or toothpick to give it a slight round curl as shown in the diagram.

Glue the tabs inside the walls.

Cut out the small upper section of the base. You may wish to strengthen the four tiny pillars with a tiny drop of super glue after cutting them out but before folding the piece.

Glue the tabs above the pillars inside the side walls to assemble the piece. When the glue dries, insert the upper section inside the base with the pillars on the outside on either side of the curved wall.

Score and cut out the small atrium wall. Glue in place behind curved wall, beneath the octagonal atrium skylight.


Cut out the two large wall sections of the tower. Score the folds including the small folds at the top. Cut out the small square openings at the top of the shorter walls.

Glue the long tabs inside the tall part of the opposite wall. Adjust the tabs before the glue dries to make sure the walls are straight and vertical like a rectangular box.


  Fold in the shorter walls and small rooftops and glue in place. Squeeze the tabs inside with a tweezers to line them up straight and vertical.

Cut out the first tower roof. Note the reverse folds. Assemble into a rectangular box with tabs facing downward, as shown in the diagram.

Fold the roofs and tabs at the top of the tall side walls inward.

Glue the roof in place inside the walls with the small side wall tabs tucked underneath. Push the roof upward or downward with a chopstick to make sure all the small roofs are level and flush with the tops of the walls.


Fold the tiny rooftops at the top of the walls inward. Glue the long tabs at the center against the wall behind.

Cut out the two small stepped walls. Fold into rectangular shape with the stepped walls facing out.

Put a little glue on the top tab and back edges of the stepped wall pieces. Slide the stepped walls to fit over the small rooftops and against the sides of the walls. The top roof of the stepped walls should match the level of the center roof.

4 Cut out and assemble the rectangular box of the next roof level. Glue the bottom edge of the box to the roof of the tower.

Assemble the next roof level into an elongated octagonal box.

Glue the octagonal roof to the top of the tower. The sides will extend down to meet the levels of smaller rooftops below, with the longest sides glued flat to the walls of the stepped roof pieces from Step 3. Make sure the piece is centered and level before the glue dries.


Glue the bottom edges of the tower to the base.

Cut out the thin octagonal roof screen. Assemble into an octagonal shape and glue in place to the tower roof.

Finally, add the two small octagonal roofs. Assemble each into an octagonal shape first.

Glue the smaller octagonal roof to the lower level of the tower. Tuck the lower part of the piece inside the square opening in the wall.

Glue the taller octagonal roof against the higher level of the tower. Fit the middle of the piece into the square opening in the wall and glue the long tail flat against the tower wall.

At last your mini skyscraper is complete!

Read more about Wells Fargo Center