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1908 Streetcar modelLake Harriet 1908 Streetcar


Cut out the sides of the streetcar/trolley. Score the fold line for the tabs at the top. Roll the front and back ends of the trolley against a round pencil or dowel to make a smooth curve.

Glue the tabs of the shorter side inside the ends of the long side. Line up the top and the bottom of the sides carefully.


Cut out the floor or underside of the trolley. Fold the tabs down.

Test the fit of the underside inside the trolley sides first. If necessary, adjust the curve at the ends so that the the headlights at the front and back line up with the centerline of the floor.

Glue the floor inside the trolley sides so that the floor level is slightly inset about 1-1/2 mm below the edge of the sides.


Cut out the roof. Curl the round ends of roof against a round pencil or dowel to create a shallow cone shape. Glue the free end of the roof to the tab.

Align the end of the roof with the whistle (small rectangle) at the front. Glue the roof in place to the side tabs.

Cut out the long clerestory window piece. Score and fold the tabs carefully with a tweezers to keep the sides straight and even. Glue the end tab inside to create a long rectangle shape.

Align the clerestory windows with the long windows labelled "Como-Harriet" toward the back. Glue in place on top of the roof.

Press the upper roof against a round pencil or dowel to create a shallow curve. Align the grey square attachment for the trolley pole toward the back. Glue the roof to the clerestory tabs.

Cut out and assemble the wheels. Before the glue dries, set the wheels upright on a flat surface to adjust the sides to sit level and even.

Glue the wheels in place to the underside.

Optional: score and cut out the cowcatcher for the front of the trolley. Glue the curved edge against the front of the trolley, with the tab glued to the underside.

Optional: cut out the trolley pole, or create your own from a thin wire using the paper shape as a template. Stengthen the paper trolley pole with a drop or two of cyanoacrylate super glue on the back (see Tips). Glue in place to the grey square on the rooftop.

Read more about the Lake Harriet Trolley