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Supreme Court ModelUnited States Supreme Court

Cut out the long walls of the building center. If you like, you can cut out the two open areas between the last columns at the ends of the walls.

Note the reverse folds on the front entryway. Score and fold the piece into the shape in the diagram to make the steps, floor and ceiling of the entry. Glue the side tabs inside the walls, making sure that the floor is level and the wall of the entry lines up with the columns on the outer walls.

If you'd like more detail on your model, you can cut out the open areas between the columns of the front facade. Glue the bottom edge of the columns to the floor and top of front facade to the tympanum, or triangular top of the entry piece.
Cut out the courtyard walls. Note the reverse or valley folds on the tabs. Score and fold the roof folds. Fold the walls and roof into rough shape first. The roof angle is not very steep. Then fold the side walls inward and glue the tabs under and behind the courtyard walls and floor. Use a tweezers to snug the corners together squarely before the glue dries.
Once the two courtyards are assembled, glue them in place on each side of the center section. While the glue dries, weight the courtyards gently with a few coins or other light objects to keep the bottom edge of the building flat.

fig 3 Cut out the courtyard buildings. Score and fold into shape. Put a little glue on the tabs and along the bottom edge then push into position in the middle of each courtyard.

Finally, add the long roof to the center section.

Cut out the little protestors, if you like, to place in front of the building.

Supreme Court Protestors

Read more about the Supreme Court