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A New Trash Raft

Getting ready for the upcoming Guerilla Flotilla, I've been gathering materials for a new trash raft. I found some broken styrofoam squares blowing around a nearby construction site which will provide the flotation. My idea is to build a lightweight frame with wheels which can be towed behind a bike, with styrofoam underneath to float the raft. Something simple and light.

2x4s are easy enough find, but I wanted some thinner and lighter wood. Fortunately I found an old French door in the trash a few blocks away:

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Using the long wood pieces on the edges of the door, I assembled a frame to fit the width & length of two styrofoam blocks. The two bicycle forks at the end will hold the wheels for the trailer.

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The cross bars of the frame are positioned for the front and back of a low lawnchair. Better to have a low center of gravity because I have no idea how tippy the craft will be.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 2, 2012 11:21 AM.

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